
Dr. Gwendolyn Pennywell

Dr. Gwendolyn Pennywell

Interim Assistant Dean
Graduate Programs

Research Interests

Dr. Pennywell’s research focuses on corporate issues (such as IPO motivations, managerial risks taking, transparency, etc.), behaviors, and its’ resulting impact on performance.    This includes company or market response to legislation, strategy, or expected returns.  Additionally, some pedagogical work focuses on student motivation, perception, and understanding with respects to online and distance learning


  • Ph.D. Finance, Georgia State University
  • B.S. Electrical Engineering, Prairie View A&M University


  • Hunsader, K., Pennywell, G., Dickens, R. (2015). Hydraulic Fracturing Global Legislation and its Impact on Energy Firms' Stock Returns. Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, XLII(Number 1 / Spring/Summer 2015), 52-72.

  • Pennywell, G., Chow, A., Javine, V. (2014). A Comparison of Energy Stock Return Models Using Pitman Closeness Criterion. International Journal of Service and Standards: Special Issue - "Energy Hedging and Risk Management", 9(4 /2014), 87-102. www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijss

  • Pennywell, G., Mosley, D., Javine, V. (2014). Books or Technology: A Small Public Library’s Struggle to Survive in the 21ST Century. Journal of Applied Case Research, 12. www.swcrahome.org

  • Javine, V., Pennywell, G., Chow, A. (2014). Using Pitman Closeness to Compare Stock Return Models. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(9), 10.

  • Hunsader, K., Delcoure, N., Pennywell, G. (2013). Competitive Strategy and Industry Contagion following Traditional Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Announcements. Managerial Finance, 39(11), 1032-1055.

  • Hunsader, K., Pennywell, G. (2011). Earnings Management and the Stock Market Response to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act based on a Measure of Competitive Strategy. Review of Accounting & Finance, 10(4), 368-384.


  • FIN 300, Personal Finance
  • FIN 315, Business Finance
  • FIN 345, Principles of Insurance
  • FIN 350, Financial Statement Analysis
  • FIN 411, Problems in Bus Finance – W
  • FIN 509, Intermediate Corporate Finance
  • MBA 506, Managing Finance and Capital