
Publications and Reports

The HTWIA will serve as a repository of data, information and research on hospitality and tourism workforce.

Journal of Human Capital Analytics & Workforce Innovation

The HTWIA will be home to the Journal of Human Capital Analytics & Workforce Innovation. We invite researchers and practitioners interested in serving on the editorial board to contact Dr. Evelyn Green at ekgreen@southalabama.edu. A call for article submission will follow once the editorial board is formed.

Hospitality & Tourism Workforce Innovation Case Studies

The HTWIA invite researchers and practitioners interested in contributing case studies for use in HTWIA certification courses and by entities interested in promoting H&T workforce sustainability. For more information, please contact Dr. Evelyn Green at ekgreen@southalabama.edu.


Reports generated from research conducted by the HTWIA and/or databases managed by the HTWIA will be accessible to business partners for a fee.